“I enjoy volunteering at S.V.Y.R because I see how much Dona impacts the lives of those children and also because I wish there had been a Dona in my life when I was young.” Andy Murphy volunteer since 2010
There are many opportunities for volunteer service at Son Valley Youth Ranch. Below is a list of some specific areas of need. If you see something on this list that interests you, just send an e-mail to sonvalleyyouthranch@gmail.com . Please indicate what area(s) of service you are interested in.
If you have already contacted a representative of Son Valley Youth Ranch and have been asked to complete an application, you may begin the two step applications process.
- Fill out the application Helping Hands Application
- Youth applicants (15-17 years) will need to turn in the parent permission form. PARENTAL CONSENT FORM FOR YOUTH VOLUNTEERS
By submitting this application, you acknowledge you have read and agree with SVYR’s Statement of Faith:
I BELIEVE in the Bible as originally given by God is divinely inspired and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct. I BELIEVE in one God who exits in three Persons-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I BELIEVE Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born by the virgin Mary, the Son led a sinless life, paid the punishment for our sins upon Himself with His death on the cross and His resurrection, where today Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven. I BELIEVE sin separated mankind from God and that only through faith in Jesus Christ’s work on the cross, can we receive Him as Lord and Savior, and be forgiven by God, with the promise of receiving the Holy Spirit and external life in heaven. I BELIEVE the Holy Spirit indwells every believer, equipping them with gifts of service and witness. I BELIEVE the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back again just as He promised and we too will be resurrected on that day.
Children & Youth Programs
- Mentor/Junior Mentor
- Youth Discipleship
- Worship Music
- Bible Teacher
- Kitchen Help
- Food Donations
- Transportation
- Fundraising
- Public Relations
- Special Events
- Board Member
- Horse Care/Training
- Horsemanship Instruction
- Chores
- Carpentry
- Construction
- Landscaping
- Maintenance
- Mowing/Trimming
- Administrative
- Computer Skills
- Data Entry
- Phone Skills
- Bookkeeper