G.A.T.E.S. is a ministry to teach youth how to Grow, Achieving a deeper relationship with the Lord through Training principles, Encouraging one another and Serving.
They learn, with the help of our Wranglers, how to do stable chores and care for their assigned horse. They also get the privilege to ride and exercise the horses. Then during the Bible study we take a look at what the Word has to say about our identity in Christ. Snacks are provided.
Youth in grades 6th – 11th grades weekly in
April –May and September-October and Summer Day Camp
There is a participation fee each season.
Scholarships are available from our generous sponsors upon request.
Sign up TODAY
573-406-3970 sonvalleyyouthranch@gmail.com
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram
Checks may be Mailed to;
Son Valley Youth Ranch
31274 County Road 320 Canton, MO 63435
Please put “GATES” on memo line.
Donate towards G.A.T.E.S. online

Gates are used often to protect and keep horses in safe boundaries.
Gates are also opened to guide horses into richer, greener pastures.
“Open for me the gates of righteousness; I will enter and give thanks to the Lord.” – Psalm 118:19